So in July I faxed Tym's choir application in. Apparently they never got it, as when they went to register in person last week, after 3 hours of registration being open - Tym was on the waiting list.
Now ensue panic! The only thing she wanted to do this year was sing. She wanted singing lessons - one on one. We were able to convice her that choir with kids her age would be awesome, after all at the end of the year they tour the schools and sing for their class! There was no way we could do 25$/hour for singing lessons - Choir is much more affordable and much more fun. We also dropped the ball on swimming this term and registered her late and she was on the waiting list for that as well, and is not in swim class...
Anyway, so I called after they went to register and found out they did not get our faxed copy. BOO!! So we had to wait - keeping in mind it starts next week, and almost all other kids programs are totally full.
I called today and bless this lovely administrator lady - she said sure, of course she could join since she has her heart set on it. YAY!!! So next Wednesday Tym gets to go to Choir and sing her heart out.
I don't feel like such a bad mom after all.... It's ok if she misses swim class for a couple months - means we are forced to go swimming as a family. And she is registered in something that she will love :)
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