Wednesday, October 13, 2010

And the pink continues.... Tym's room is painted, including window trim and door. Closet organizer installed. We will be getting her a new dresser this weekend that will match her room. Next will be a new bed cover and curtains. The fairy stickers will be coming in a couple weeks.

We had a good Thanksgiving weekend. Busy though - as we started night weaning Lake. Friday night Tym slept at Sophie's and I crashed at Emily's. Meag and Lake has an OK night - but they were awake super early and didn't go back to sleep. Saturday night Tym and I went and slept at Auntie Pepe's and came home at 6AM. They had been up since 2AM. Sunday night Tym and I crashed at Emily's and went home at 6 and they had been awake since 3:30.
Monday night Tym and I stayed there, and Meag decided to get off the ball for getting him to sleep as well. There was a little crying - but more sleeping and he stayed asleep until 6. last night he slept much better from 9:30-3:30 without waking, and Meag grabbed him out of bed at 6:45 to go to Ashleigh's. We shall see how the rest of the week goes, but it looks good so far.

Monday we went to Beth and Jesse's. Meag helped Beth with putting down laminate while Jesse and I took the kids to the pumpkin patch. We enjoyed the last Thanksgiving they will be living here as Jesse got a new job in Toronto and they will be moving in a month. Good for them, but we sure are going to miss them.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Flower Girl Pink

Flower girl pink is the Pink Tym chose for her room. Wow, it sure will be - pink! At least it's a lighter shade of pink.

This weekend was busy as always - Friday night Meag took off for a Dragonboat festival in Coburg on Saturday - which her boats did #1 and #3!! However the rest of the races got cancelled due to very poor weather and boats tipping over! I had a great Saturday with the kidlets - Andrea and the kids came to play in the AM and we went swimming, made pizza and watched a movie.

Sunday we started demo on Tym's room - 2 coats of primer are on the walls. Now it's time to put the pink up, which we will probably do on Sunday. She's going to love it!

Meag's working a fair bit this week, but hopefully things will start to settle down a bit for us now that Dragobboating is pretty much done.

On another note - Tym had her first Choir practice last Wednesday, and LOVES it. It's going to be great to see her thrive with that.

Monday, September 20, 2010


It's that time of year where the lists start... Xmas list, food list, birthday list...

Since one of the big stores is having some good sales this week I started making lists for the kids for Christmas... Which had Meag wincing. Where are we going to put all this stuff? So yesterday we spent moving and purging. Summer clothes - out, old toys - out. Other toys put out to play with so we can see them. And some room made for new ones coming in. I changed the living room around a little bit so we could put Lake's train on the floor, however we are not sold on the placement... We shall see.

But I dropped 2 huge bags of for donation, 3 bags at Boomerang and gave 1 bag of boy things to Sarah. The house does feel lighter, just in time for me to start Xmas shopping!

We have also started plans for Halloween and I have to think about Lake's birthday party as well.... How time flies!

This weekend Meag is at Dragonboating races from Friday after supper until Early Sunday morning - anyone want to play? ( I will have no car ).

Friday, September 17, 2010

Flying Fairies

I shall be playing tooth fairy again this evening - Tym lost one of her front teeth - pictures to follow soon. Apparently she was quite excited and poking at it.

On another fairy note. Tym has decided she would like the paint over her ocean room and have fairies on her walls. The Kilz has been bought, along with stick on fairies and a huge castle (waiting on delivery from the States) - we have to pick the color of pink or purple to splash up on the walls... We want to get it done before our floors upstairs get done so we don't have to worry about being to careful!

This weekend is shaping up to be a busy one. Potential swimming tonight after supper, with Meag heading out to do some massages. Meag works all day tomorrow and we have some play dates set. Sunday I am sure cleaning and groceries will take some time... We shall see!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sing it baby!

So in July I faxed Tym's choir application in. Apparently they never got it, as when they went to register in person last week, after 3 hours of registration being open - Tym was on the waiting list.

Now ensue panic! The only thing she wanted to do this year was sing. She wanted singing lessons - one on one. We were able to convice her that choir with kids her age would be awesome, after all at the end of the year they tour the schools and sing for their class! There was no way we could do 25$/hour for singing lessons - Choir is much more affordable and much more fun. We also dropped the ball on swimming this term and registered her late and she was on the waiting list for that as well, and is not in swim class...

Anyway, so I called after they went to register and found out they did not get our faxed copy. BOO!! So we had to wait - keeping in mind it starts next week, and almost all other kids programs are totally full.

I called today and bless this lovely administrator lady - she said sure, of course she could join since she has her heart set on it. YAY!!! So next Wednesday Tym gets to go to Choir and sing her heart out.

I don't feel like such a bad mom after all.... It's ok if she misses swim class for a couple months - means we are forced to go swimming as a family. And she is registered in something that she will love :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Finally!! I've uploaded pictures of the summer!

Seems like we had a good time :)

Last night I took the kids to Rainbow Families - which is a group for Queer parents. It was awesome. There were care providers there for the little ones, and others for the bigger kids, to do crafts and stuff. Lake surprised me most of all - he was in there like a dirty shirt. The setup was awesome, with the adult meeting room right next to the play room, Lake came in 3 times but was totally content in the play room, and even gave one of the ladies a hug as he left! We will definitely be going back next month! Even if it meant a late bedtime for them.

Tym is enjoying her first week of school. Yesterday they were on the bus for an extra 45 minutes because 5 wrongs kids were on it, so they had to wait for the other bus - but she seemed to have fun regardless :) One of her top teeth is going to fall out in the next day or 2... I am sure in time for school pictures!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Where did the summer go????

So Tym is at school right now - her first day back. She was so very excited!

I have no idea where the past 6 weeks have gone.... Well I do - we've been very busy.

We spent a night at Sandra's cottage - the kids had a blast! It was great to relax a bit.

I went to NS with Lake on short notice the next day- my gramma had a heart attack and died, so we home for the funeral. Tym and Meag had a great week at home during that time.

Tym had a soccer tournament the day we came back and had fun with that, she ended up playing quite well when she wants to - other than that she still likes looking at the clouds and grass.

Tym is getting over her first case of tonsilitis - which meant we couldn't stay over for Justine and Jubilee's wedding on the 4th. But the wedding was awesome - the kids were almost as beautiful as the brides!

Meag had a dragonboat festival last weekend - it was good for her to get back on the water.

Tym has started getting her 6 year molars - the bottoms are almost in. Lake had 3 teeth come in last week, we are still working on those - only 1 more bottom tooth to come before the 2 year molars start.... Oye I can't wait until the teething in the house is done!

I am sure more things have happened, but I have to get back to work - being the busiest week and all.

I have lots of pictures to upload which I will later this week!

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

New teeth!

Tym lost another tooth 2 days ago. And Lake grew another one on the same day - go figure!

it's been a busy couple weeks - we celebrated my birthday and went camping last weekend with beth jesse and the girls. It was awesome. The kids did AMAZING. Tym had a fantastic time and wants to go back. It had been 10 years since Meag and I camped - we went with the girls since they are expert campers with all the camp gear you could need, which was nice. Until the second night my air matress deflated, and the first night I froze.

Tym has been scratching up a storm since we got home. Both Sunday and Monday nights she was up for a couple hours very uncomfortable - benedryl didn't seem to help.

We are going to a wedding in a month - and got the kids the cutest outfits for it, I can't wait to dress them up and take pictures :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sleep Sleep Sleep

Since it's been so long since we've posted I will give you an update on sleep in our house. Or lack of!

Knock on wood - sleep has been good for the past couple weeks in our house.

Tym hasn't woken up with insomnia in a few weeks - which has been a treat. She was starting to go to bed later and later - she wanted to stay up past her bed time. This gave us lots of grief as we did enjoy the little bit of downtime sans kids that we had. Thankfully we started being more firm with her and making sure she went to bed on time - it makes for a much happier everyone!

Lake has finally started sleeping longer than an hour at a time. At 19 months it's about time! He is going to bed by 7:30 and most nights doesn't wake up till between 2 and 4am. Which is a HUGE sleep for him! half the time we are still struggling to keep him in bed past 5AM - somedays he will sleep until 6 without to much work on my end.,

Overall I am getting more sleep now than in the past 2 years - however I am still tired :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Clearly we suck!

OK so it's been over 2 months since we've posted. Oops! It's crazy who quickly time flies.

New pictures have been posted to Picasa for June and July.

Tym finished her first year of school. Junior Kindergarden report card was awesome. She is looking forward to being a Senoir Kindergardener next year. After she finished school she lost her first tooth!! Which she saved for a week to show her cousin Grace before leaving it for the toothfairy who exchanged it for $2.

There has been lots of playdates, pool time, splash park time so far this summer. Our friend Asleigh is watching the kids on Wednesdays as I have almost run out of days to take off. Last week was the first week she had them, and neither Tym nor Lake wanted to leave - I guess that's a good sign!

We had a fantastic visit with Jo and Grace for 5 days. We enjoyed the new Nature museum, bowling, splash pads, IMAX to name a few things.

Lake is a full on toddler. His temper tantrums are quite funny to watch as he walks around stamping his feet. He is starting to use quite a few words. he still has a lot of signs, however is using them less and less.

Tym and Lake are having fun together, it's awesome to watch them bond. Lake loves tackling Tym - and she can't move when he's on her - he's quite strong.

We brought Tym to the ped - and got her tested for Celiac - she has complained about belly pain for awhile and it's all random. With this, we've put wheat back in the diet, as you need it for the test. And she has not turned into the devil!! YAY! We are not giving her cow dairy however! We will get the results in a couple weeks.

It's crazy that almost half the summer is over already! My birthday is next week - we are going camping with Bath and Jesse on the weekend - should be fun :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The devil has left :) So that was a valuble lesson - Tym is not ready to eat wheat and dairy!

Her insomnia is also back. In the past week and a bit she's only had a couple good nights of sleep - last night was one of them :) We went and got more of the homeopathic sleep aid, hopefully that will help her sleep. An interesting bit is she says she can't sleep because her belly is bothering her. We shall see how the pills help and go from there.

Meag and the kids have been doing a lot of playing with Asleigh and her girls - having a great time! Lake loves Asleigh, which is good as she is going to start taking care of them on Wednesdays in July. I still have a couple vacation days, but it would be nice to have some for later as well.

Last week they picked up some caterpillars - so we are currently watching them grow (they've tripled in size) and we should have butterflies in anthoer couple weeks.

Lake is talking more and more. He will make some animals sounds - it's so cute!

We had a good mother's day on Sunday - it was my year for mom's day and Meag will get dad's day. I got a huge breakfast - then a couple hours to myself shopping (which I in turn bought Meag a new BBQ!). Then we headed to play at Matt and Sarah's and had an awesome dinner of filter mignon, baked potatoes and creme brulee.. it was awesome!

This weekend we are heading to KW. On Sunday all 8 of us are going to head down to Niagara - go to the waterpark. It should be a good time, I am however not looking forward to the drive home on Monday from Niagara, if we have to, we can always stop somewhere overnight.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Devil Does Come!

OK so we tested Tym a little more - we had tacos one night -and she ate a whole wheat tortilla - the next night she had a teaspon of sour cream.

For a week she was CrAzY! Not listening, un-cooperative, spacey, violent - so much so that she bite her friend at a playdate, and hard. She hasn't bite anyone in 2 years. it took most of the week for the effects to wear off. We are glad she's back to normal!

On another note Pepe came over yesterday and watched the kids for a couple hours while we went out to eat. We went to Soul Food - a southern home style cooking restaurant. WOW - it was amazing. The fried chicken was the best I've ever had, and the bread pudding, and the sweet potato chips... I can't wait to go back!

Monday, April 19, 2010

April showers

It's been a busy month - not nearly as busy as March thankfully!

We had a lovely Easter weekend - The weather was amazing. We've spent countless hours at the park which has been great. Lake loves the sand! he loves to roll in it, and eat it.

Lake is a toddler. He is signing more, eat, all done, please, hat, cat, dog, help, play (and others I am sure I am missing). he is starting to say more words. Lastnight he said bubble over and over. And he says cat and car. You have to listen closely, but he's starting to communicate more and more.

He weighs almost 25lbs. And climbs everything. One of his favorite things to do is wrestle with Tym, and he can pin her down. Being outisde will make him smile everytime. He picks up his shoes (the right ones!) and sits on the stair and waits for us to put them on - it's so cute.

Tym is doing well. We tested her wheat allergy last week. Had wheat pasta 2 nights in a row. And she did not turn into the devil! :) It did disturb her sleep a little, but it was also a huge amount of wheat. So we are going to be not as strict with wheat - if something has a trace, then that's OK - which will open up snack options at a much cheaper price!

Tym finally weighed in at 34lbs yesterday! She is growing taller though - slowly.

Meag and I went out without the kids for the second time ever yesterday. It was awesome! We left the kids at Michel and Pascale's - and they played and played. Lake didn't even cry when he noticed we left (only at diaper change time). Which is awesome. Especially since starting in July Asleigh is going to be watching them on Wednesday instead of me taking the day off.

We are looking forward to the summer fun. We will be spending a lot of time at the park. We are going to Kitchener is a couple weeks, and going to Niagara falls with the crew - should be fun :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Change in Pace

I've been home with the kids long enough to write this with some confidence.

I'll freely admit that as as January drew closer and my time at work began to fade, I became more and more nervous about being at home. My patience as whole is slim to none on the best of days and I was very used to my "freedom" of working. Meaning if I had a break it was easy to go kill an hour or two chilling out at Starbucks or Chapters. I was also used to Deah running the house. I didn't always agree with how she did it, but at the end of the day if the kids were smiling, fed, watered and alive than that was all that mattered. Or so I tried to remind myself when I came home at night and it "had been a day" with Hurricane Tym tearing through the house. So the fear and apprehension of all of a sudden being Mr. Mum was beginning to sink in.

Week 1arrived and we all survived.

Week 2 arrived and we all survived.

Week 3 arrived and everyone was still alive - and smiling!

I started feeling pretty good about myself and my parenting skills. I began noticing the little things that make my kids tick. Such as Lake loves having his head scratched. And Tym can make a fort out of anything, including a hand towel! I started picking up on Lake's cues more quickly. Instead of a tired and cranky Mummy, the kids and I were laughing none stop, taking new adventures and figuring out our own way of running the house. And it feels great! I always knew I had an amazing family, but witnessing first hand day in and out the milestones of achievement is well worth the penny pinching of my not working. I will never get to see my kids like this again: The grin on Lake's face the first time he truly walked, the smirk on Tym's face when I threw a snowball at her, the ear splitting shriek of delight when Lake discovered flushing the toilet and the initial apprehension in them both at going to a new play group. I never fully realized all that I was missing until now. I'm not missing my Starbucks runs because I have Tym looking at me and saying "Mummy, you're a little cranky. Let's go make another coffee!" as she leads me to the kitchen and I hear a flush followed by a howl of laughter.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Tym!

My lil' snuggle bug you are 5 years old today.

Closing my eyes brings back all the wonder, joy and apprehension I felt at 12:00:14 March 26th 2005. Closing my eyes I can still smell the newness of you. I can still hear your newborn cry, I can still see your toothless grin, and I can still feel my heart swell with more love for you than I've ever know. You are the first of 2 sacred gifts your Mama has given me. It took me some time to figure out how to be the best Mummy for you and to you, but I think we've found our path together.

Thank you for all the laughter, delight, and smiles you have brought to my world. With each passing day I know that you will be the person I had hoped you would be: nothing like me, but your own unique and awesome self.

I love you Bug-A-Boo,

Tymothy Kate - stop growing!!

Dear Tym,

Today you are 5. WOW. it's amazing how quickly the time as flown. It seems like just yesterday we were eagerly awaiting your arrival. I can still feel you wiggling in my belly, with your constant hiccups.

Two weeks ago we surprised you with tickets to Princesses on Ice. it was amazing to take you and watch you see all your favorite Princesses come alive. You are so big - but the fold down chair kept creeping up, because you are also still so little. I kept my leg on the chair so it wouldn't close on you!

You are thriving at school. You like the teachers and the students and the bus ride home! So much so that you invited your 12 year old bus friend to your party on Saturday. Hayden came, because he knew it meant a lot to you., which was awesome.

Tonight we are having spaghetti and meatballs and Santiago and his moms are coming over. You are very excited to be 5 - the very first thing you said this morning was "I'm 5 now!"

Lake loves everything you do and looks for you constantly. You love him with justo. It's amazing to watch the bond you guys are growing and how good a big sister you are.

Everyday you make my heart grow a little more with how big you are getting, and the things you are able to do. You make me very proud to be your mama.

Happy Birthday Tymothy Kate - I love you.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Darling!!!

Happy Birthday to a great Mr. Mom!!!! :)

Meag keeps saying she's turning 23 - we love you!

it's been a busy time as usual. Lots of sickness as usual. 2 weeks ago on a Sunday night Tym had a cold when going to bed, but woke up barking like a seal... Croup had gotten into the house again. Within an hour she couldn't breath very well and was struggling for a good breath. We called telehealth, who called an ambulance. Neither Meag nor I have ever had to take an ambulance, but Tym did. They gave her epinephrine in the ambluance and she turned into her chatty self within 10 minutes. 6 hours later at 5am they finally get home. The doctors gave Tym a one dose steriod to help her lungs along and that seemed to do the trick. it was a scary time - I felt silly getting the ambulance, but knowing they had to give her something eased my mind. That's why the service is there right?

Last week the rest of the house got sick. Lake and I got antibiotics on Monday, along with Tigger, and Meag got some Tuesday. We are getting better mostly - Meag's sinuses still hurt.... But lake and I are good :)

Tym's on March break this week - and the weather is gorgeous! We played outside yesterday for a couple hours, it was great. She's off to gymnastics camp for the rest of the week - yay for everyone!

We celebrated Meag's birthday at matt and sarah's on Sunday. it was awesome, Tym gave her a scrapbook she made all by herself. I gave her a day off - I'm taking Friday off and she can do whatever she wants!

Happy March Break everyone!

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Ides of March

March isn't even here, but I'm already dreading it to a certain extent. March is so busy... it really starts in Feb with parties for friends - in an 9 week span I think there are 10 birthdays that help celebrate, including Tym and Meag. No wonder I haven't even thought about our 9 year anniversary!

lake has figured out that if he moves a stool over, he can climb, then reach things we've put out of his reach.. hence the huge goose egg on his head from bringing Tym's VTech computer on his head yesterday.

He is OBSESSED with the vacunm. a week ago he was scared of it, now it's a huge game. He loves the nozzle stuck to him, or anyone. He loves vacunming the floor. After an hour of playing when you go to put it away, he cries. A lot.

We had a great visit with Beth and family. Julia followed Tym around none stop. They all played hard and slept great. We played at Ikea and went to the Science and Tech museum. We ate, a lot. it was fun.

We've been watching the Olympics - last night had the Clake-Ward's over to watch the women win Gold. it was awesome :) It will be lovely when it's done tho, so we can start to get some sleep!

Friday, February 12, 2010

All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth!

Lake finally has 2 front teeth! He now has 10 teeth, and the molars are mostly in all the way. Lake has had a rough couple weeks with being bumped around. He fell down 7 stairs, he was dropped down 2 stairs by a 5 year old. He has hit his head on almost everything around. He's a little climber and is not afriad to crawl up things - problem is getting down!

it's hard to beleive he's 14 months old! I uploaded some pictures, and there is video on facebook - oye he's funny. He is a little dancer, and will dance if you just hum a tune. If there is music on he grooves. He brought a tutu over the other day for me to put on him, and he kept it on for 45 minutes dancing away. It was so cute.

Tym is a little trouble maker, but in the next breath is an angel. It's quite amazing to watch her brain grow and be so big! She can rationalize (if she wants to!) almost anything. Right now it's - it's my _____ - so my rules. Well actually - that's not how it works, but... We love you :)

This weekend Beth and the gang are coming down. We will do some winterluding. We will do some skating, and a fondue. it will be a fun time. Tym talks about Grace and Julia all the time and misses them a lot.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

We all came down with the flu within 48 hours. Thankfully it didn't last to long - Tym was only down for a day, and totally fine after that. Lake resumed his regular teething schedule afterwards.

It's crazy to think that Feb is already here! Next weekend Beth and the gang will be here, which will be a blast. Winterluding if the weather is nice. Museum or swimming or something else fun as well. Tym's been talking about them a lot and misses them, so it'll be good for them to have some play time.

Tym has been enjoying the Rainbow Fairies series of books. Small chapter books - they went to Chapters after gymnastics yesterday and she spent the last of her gift card from Grampa and got a sticket book about them.

it's truly amazing to watch her grow into a kid (sometimes with the attitude to go with it!) She is loving gymnastics, can't wait to have her party there (princess theme of course!) She seems to be settling more into school and enjoying it and the kids more.

Lake is a toddler. There I said it. He's getting tall and the chub is getting long - he's walking everywhere and getting into everything. he can sign, when he feels like it. He can eat like a champ, if he feels like it. he loves blowing kisses, giving hi-5's and props.

Meag is loving being at home with them - which is amazing to see. It's amazing to see that she's still the favorite, even though she's home most of the time.

Monday, January 25, 2010

This will be quick... I am waiting for the washer to finish so I can run another load through before going to bed.

This officially marks the first time the entire family has been hit by the flu. Lake then Meag 2 hours later. Me the follow night (lastnight) and now Tym.

Tomorrow will be a movie day that's for sure!
To go along with all the laundry.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Anyone want a tooth?

So Lake has gotten 7 teeth in 7 weeks. With 1 more almost there. He now has all first year molars - but he is still missing a front tooth. He isn't waisting any time, since he didn't get his first one till he was almost a year old! I am hoping the rest come in quick so we can get a teething break. Overall he's been good considering. He's had a sore bum a few times and chewing on anything - but good.

He eats like a champ - he has Meag's tastebuds, curry, peanut sauce, spicy. Whereas Tym is still more like me and dips everything in ketchup :)

We got Tym's allergy test done again - her intolerance to some things (like garlic and pineapple) have gone down - however others have gone up. Like goat dairy. Not to surprising considering how much she consumes. We haven't totally cut it out, but we are now severaly limiting how much she gets everyday. We are also going to test pineapple and garlic to see if she reacts in the next little while. I am hoping we can bring them back in - i miss sweet and sour sauce! :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dear Sumo/Hercules:

Oh my what a month of change this has been! Since your first birthday you have been everywhere at the pace of a lion. Mama has been back to work for a little while now and you and I are finding our groove with each other quite nicely. You are napping for me simply wonderfully - if only I could put you down! I love you're two hour naps twice a day, however Sumo at 23+ pounds you are rather heavy to bounce after a while. Mama and I will be working on your sleep habits in the next few weeks, to give my arms a break. Though not before I am fully caught up on Glee! and The Big Bang Theory.

Of course the very first day Mama went back to work you began walking in earnest. I warned Mama this would happen and the look of shock and amazement when you toddled over to her was awesome. Since then, you have developed quite the speed for when you want something, and quite the foul cry when you are more than done with walking. I still giggle seeing your little chubby legs waddling around the house. You've also learned a handful of new signs and the results are an easier supper time. A few times I've been concerned that your signing of "eat" would result in a fat lip, or "more" was going to sprain your finger, but as long as the food came quickly we avoided injury. To you and me!

The most amazing thing though Sumo is your strength. How you have managed to loosen a baby gate anchored into a 2x4 that is then anchored into a wall stud is beyond me. Thus the nickname of Sumo (I feel) needs to be replaced with Hercules. And I still attest that you are not getting your own fridge until you're 10 years old, I don't care how much you need the food to fuel your muscles!

Thank you again for bringing laughter, amazement and love into my life and family.


Monday, January 11, 2010

A new year is here

I know - we have sucked at blogging - I am now into week 2 of work, and it's slowed down, so I am hoping to get to write more here in the future :)

So we had an awesome Christmas. Dec was a bit crazy busy - I did a week of morning, while Meag worked afternoons and nights. Then Mom and Gram arrived for a week. It was amazing to have them here... The best parts would be watching my 80 year old grammie have Tym on her lap reading an Archie comic, and my 4 year old teaching my 80 year old grammie how to do exploding props - by night 3 she had it down!! Definitely worth the small stress of having her here. Gram is a lovely lady, however she has alzheimer's - thankfully not to bad. She would get disorientated quite easy, or forget where she was going - but loved the entertainment of the kids.

Christmas morning was a blessing - Tym was in her element. Lake ended up taking a nap after stockings and breakfast ,which gave Tym the luxury of tearing at the tree. Just as we only had a few presents left, lake woke up and was able to finish it off perfectly. Meag cooked an amazing bird!! I am glad we got a big one as we enjoyed leftovers for days :) Having 4 generations under one roof was awesome - I hope that Tym will have a little recollection of it when she's older.

Tym was stoked to get the Dora Van she wanted from Santa. it was amazing to see Christmas magic working through her eyes... I do hope we get blessed enough to have it for a few more years of it.

lake was blessed with a molar and an eye tooth over 16 hours Christmas Eve /Day.

We had a great holiday after that - trying to be pro-active with getting things in order for the roles to totally switch. We had a lovely new years eve - kids were in bed, Doris and Chrys came over and we ordered Chinese, ate a lot and were in bed by 10:30.

That brings up to role reversale. Week one is down, and it went very well! I managed at work - it was crazy busy. Meag had a great week with the kids. I can say I am going to really enjoy meag only being gone 1 night a week instead of 3... The house generally seemed to run better.

1 week at work, and now Lake is walking most everywhere. Of course!

Tym's sleeping has been interesting - over the Chrstmas holiday she slept wonderfully, until 6 most mornings without waking. Come the wednesday before school, she started waking up at 4, and the first question out of her mouth is, "Is it a school day?" We have started some homeopathics, which are helping to sleep it seems... At least we do know the root cause of the sleep disturbances. it is school - however she doesn't seem anxious about it... I think she is just learning a lot of thinking about it.

I am sure I've missed stuff, but that's a quick update on us... I will try to get the pictures uploaded soon!