Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Changes afoot...

So there have been a few changes afoot around here.
We had snow last week! Enough so there was some left over for a day or 2 of the ground, and some places plowed! Thankfully that didn't last long - it did however prompt me to work really quick on getting my winter footwear. Crocs that have a super warm liner. Of course now it's 16 outside and my feet are way to hot! Go figure.

We seen our second backup midwife on Thursday - so we've met them all. Ole has dropped and is starting to get comfy in my pelvis - which explains the constant peeing!

Mel went home on Friday... not before a Thursday TV night - it was a lot of fun to have her around.... and if things go well she may be moving to the city within the next year. I have my fingers crossed.

On the weekend we did a test run on the birth pool. Looks like our hot water tank won't have a problem in filling it up nice and warm! :) I am very excited about that. Tym had a fun time sitting it testing it out with me. Now just to get her to understand that she will not be allowed in with me when I go into labour!

On Sunday Pepe and Wade hosted our Welcome baby party. They did a fantastic job!! They had games for the kids, lots of wonderful food. It was a great time. Tym had a blast playing with all the kids that came, and we enjoyed talking with all the adults. There were 30 people overall!! We got lots of cute baby clothes for the little guy and some fantastic other things :)

Yesterday we went to the midwife again and she put me on sick leave. My sleep has been lacking lately, a lot. And my feet have grown to a ridiculous size. So I am now at home 'resting'. I have quite a bit to do this week, but I am hoping after that I will be spending more time resting :) At least I am not sitting behind a desk all day which was making my feet very uncomfortable. However been home did give me the availibility to get a Bowen session in - which feels amazing and will help me sleep for at least a couple nights.

1 week and 3 days and we can have a home birth! Holy Cow!!

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